人文系列讲座--Ten Fantastic Films You Never Heard of
In this seventh of a series of talks, we will discuss cult films in America. These are films that did not attract a large box office when initially released, but that have drawn a large number of fans through word of mouth and occasional critical acclaim. These are not stinkers like “Plan 9 from Outer Space” or “Attack of the Killer Tomatoes”, but high quality films that never found a large audience – until the DVD version was released. Have you ever heard of “Northern Lights”? Or “Idiocracy”? What about “Blade Runner”? or “eXistenZ”? Each of these films has a group of loyal fans who admire the film and its crew and cast, watch and re-watch the film, analyze the movie down to the smallest detail, and discuss it with other fans. We will present out own list of ten films that you never heard of. We will also look at these cult films from a cultural point of view, and attempt to identify some aspects that the best cult films from America share in common.