人文系列讲座--A Conversation about Personal Writing

新年来了,是否需要写封邮件或邀请函给您亲朋好友呢?在本学期最后一次Jim's talk中,Jim将和大家交流写英文信或邀请函的一些注意事项和小秘诀,让您能轻轻松松送出节日的邀请、问候或祝福:

With the holiday season approaching, we often find ourselves in a position where we must write an invitation to friends, seasonal letters to our family members, holiday letters to co-workers and peers. How does one compose an invitation to a formal party? What sort of information would one include? How would it differ from an invitation to an informal party? And how do we write that annual letter to our family and friends? We will discuss this, and all your writing needs in our next seminar on American Culture.



